
Blue Level Quiz #5 – The Present Continuous Tense (answers)


Part A.

Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense. (10 points)

1. He is taking the bus to work today. (take)

2. The stores at that mall are hiring new employees. (hire)

3. My mother is visiting me next month. (visit)

4. We are having lunch right now. (have)

5. My car is making strange noises. (make)

6. Martha is doing her shopping for the week. (do)

7. Is he still sleeping? (sleep)

8. What are you growing in your garden? (grow)

9. Are they meeting you at the airport? (meet)

10. My children are being very good today. (be)

Part B.

Directions: Make each sentence negative in the present continuous tense. (10 points)

1. She isn’t working there anymore. (work)

2. I’m not laughing at what you said. (laugh)

3. They aren’t studying English anymore. (study)

4. You aren’t having much fun, are you? (have)

5. The housekeepers aren’t cleaning the room right now. (clean)

6. We aren’t doing anything this weekend. (do)

7. The people from Romania aren’t coming today. (come)

8. I’m not buying a new car this year. (buy)

9. Aren’t you working today? (work)

10. Why isn’t he helping you? (help)

Part C.

Conjugate the verb “go” in the present continuous tense (5 points)


I am going

You are going

He is going

She is going

It is going

We are going

You are going

They are going

Conjugate the verb “make” in the present continuous tense negative  (5 points)


I’m not making

You’re not making

He’s not making

She’s not making

It’s not making

We’re not making

You’re not making

They’re not making

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